Elyas Advent: The Amazing Adventure (EA: The Amazing Adventure to fit...) is up and running!
There's a handful of script bugs, but they aren't too serious, a simple Right-Click thing will handle them, as explained in the Description.
The next game I've made, Kitty Catcher, isn't even really a certifiable BETA, as there's really only 1 finished level (would have been closer to 2-3 but state mandated standardized testing forced me to lose a week or two of the time I had to work on it) which isn't really that challenging.
What's in the works now is more of a mystery scare-fest kind of thing. Basically Clue+Luigi's Mansion+Silent Hill-Gore+Boobies+Ill Placed Humor = Mystery of the Midnight Chateau (tentatively titled)
Out of boredom one day, I decided to take cameo requests. Give me something that would SCARE YOU, or at least make you go OH SHIT!, and a description or reference pic to go with it, and you've got yourself a cameo.
Hurry, space is limited.
Attached what was a teaser pic for Kitty Catcher to prove it does in fact exist.
NOTE: The lower wall text was for help as to what to do, the upper was from a "giveaway" sort of thing, letting people I knew, or at least where in the class where I made the game, write something on the wall of the level.
Other "Game Graffiti" included "The CAKE is a LIE. wut." ... "trolololo" ... AND... "THE GAME"
Thank you for your time.
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